Wednesday, 15 April 2009

We Have Made The World Small

Stories told to our children
about the days before remotes,
microwaves and computers
are recounted to grandchildren
whose disbelief shadows faces
so incapable of awe or wonder,
they are radiant with pity.

If pity is to be our commodity
let us trade it for hope,
that while we were busy
abbreviating the world,
admiring its sophistication
and becoming isolated,
we recall that life exists
outside of our front door.

We surf the net, play tennis on wii
and overlook humanity
with a blink of each occluded eye.
Rather than uniting mankind,
sharing our music and art,
we have forsaken lyre and drum
to finger a deadlier HAARP.
We are maestros of destructive
instruments more resonant
than indifference.

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